Where are you located?
We are conveniently located minutes from Sunset Marina and Ocean City Fishing Center.
Our shop address is:
12636 Sunset Avenue Unit H3, Ocean City, MD 21842
What are your operating hours?
We are open 7 days a week from May 1st until October 1st
Our morning hours are flexible depending on pick-up of packaged fish from our shop. Normal pick-up and processing hours begin at 2pm every day.
How do I schedule my catch for processing?
This is easy! Just log onto our website and fill out the Request Service form. One of our skilled experts will meet you at the marina to pick-up your rough cut fish fillet.
Is there a minimum order?
No! We will process any order, large or small.
I will be fishing multiple days, can I keep my order open and add to it?
Absolutely! We will come to the dock each day to meet you and process your catch daily. Your invoice will remain open until your last day of fishing. Invoices will be closed weekly unless specifically requested for additional time.
What is the safest way to defrost my catch?
Never thaw seafood in a vacuum-sealed bag. Cut open the vacuum-sealed bag or transfer the seafood to a Ziploc bag before using the following thawing methods:
The best way to thaw frozen seafood is to place it in the refrigerator overnight and allow it to thaw gradually.
If you need to thaw seafood quickly, immerse it in cold water (42° or less), refreshing the water as needed until thawed.
Allowing seafood to thaw in a low-oxygen environment, like the one created by vacuum-sealed bags, or in a warm environment, such as your countertop, presents a high risk for botulism or other harmful pathogens.
Most seafood should be cooked to an internal temperate of 145°F.
Please also refer to USDA “safe defrosting methods” by clicking this link.
How long will you store my fish?
We will store your fish for the duration of your vacation.
When using our service, the first 3 days of storage are included in our price for using our service.
We ask that you kindly pick-up your fish with-in (7) days after using our service or schedule your catch to be delivered to your front door. Extended storage can be arranged upon request.
Will you ship my fish?
Yes! When we pick up your fish we will arrange a shipping date that works best for you.
**Shipping rates vary**
If you already have a account with FedEx or UPS we can use your account.
What forms of payment do your accept?
Catch-n-Carry accepts all major credit cards, cash, Venmo and PayPal
We accept cash, Venmo PayPal and all major credit cards. (Credit Card transactions will be charged a 3.95% service fee)
Ocean City, Md. 21842